【同义词辨析】 2019-12-09 审查scrutinize-examine

scrutinize: stresses the application of close observation and attention to minute detail: closely ~d the bill from the hospital.   近期因为美国对抖音发起国安审查TikTok’s faces US national security scrutiny或TikTok is under scrutiny,导致这个词频繁出现

scan: implies a surveying from point to point that often suggests a cursory overall observation: quickly ~ed the wine list.  survey强调"整体"审查观察to scrutinize or inspect by the eyes or the mind so that one has a picture or idea of something as a whole,如surveyed the scene before entering the room先整体查看了一下现场,然后进入房间,如the next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire次日清早我们整体查看了火灾的破坏情况,如he surveyed himself in the mirror before going out出门前他对着镜子把自己审视了一番)  (cursory草草的suggests haste and casualness that lead to a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details表示快速或随意地做某事,导致不全面忽视细节,如even a cursory reading of the work will reveal that即使草草读下都会发现)

inspect: implies a searching scrutinizing for errors or defects: ~ed the restaurant for health-code violations.

examine: suggests a scrutinizing or investigating in order to determine the nature, condition, or quality of a thing: ~d the gems to see whether they were genuine.  investigate调查to scrutinize the facts of a situation, an event, etc. to find out the truth about it or how it happened指为了查明实情而进行的审查,如police are investigating possible links between the murders警察正在调查这些谋杀案之间是否存在关联)     socrates: he unexamined life is not worth living苏格拉底: 未经审视(检查)的人生不值得度过

scrutinize审查: 即详尽地看,强调详尽观察注意细节,scan扫描: 表示端到端整体查看,常指草草大概地看,inspect视察: 指为了发现错误缺陷而进行的审查,examine检查考试: 表示为了确定属性情况质量,而进行的审查调查

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSIE想成SISE绿四色<==仔细审查   "审,悉也","悉"表示""或"详尽",因此审表示详尽地看,如审查,审视,审问,评审等

         3)审查的意思是仔细看mean to look at or over carefully and usually critically.首字母SSIE想成SISE绿四色<==仔细审查 critical批判性的,指深入清晰地思考查看to see or think clearly and deeply,如critical thinking批判性思维,是指深入清晰地思考)